Financial strategy

In order to have a sustainable economy it is necessary to have an economic strategy that keeps the reward pool in continuous supply. To this end, we propose a series of:

  • Internal Supply:

  1. All the $BLOOD used by Holders in the different game modes goes directly to the bounty pool, this being the main way to supply it with $BLOOD.

  2. Season Pass

  • External Supply:

In addition to the traditional methods of supply to the Bounty Pool, we raise different external injection systems:

  1. Advertising: All the proceeds from the different advertising actions we have will go towards the purchase of $BLOOD and will be injected directly to the Reward Pool.

  2. Artistic NFTs: All proceeds from the sale of these NFTs will go towards the purchase of $BLOOD and will be injected directly into the reward pool.

  3. Merchandising: A large portion of the profits made from the sale of "Blood Holders" branded merchandise will be injected into the in-game economy.

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