
The distribution of the $BLOOD token the following::

Total amount of tokens represented by each percentage:

  • Reward Pool: This initial amount of $BLOOD is destined to the rewards obtained by the players in the different play to earn modalities. As one of the different pillars to maintain a sustainable economy in the long term, this Reward Pool will always be in continuous growth thanks to the defined financial strategy.

  • Liquidity: Locked from launch, developers will not have access to it at any time.

  • Private Sale: 25% is released at the beginning and the rest in a linear way during 6 months.

  • Public Sale: Public access pre-sale, with a minimum of 0.01BNB and a maximum of 2BNB per person in token purchase. 80% of the proceeds will go to liquidity, which will be permanently blocked. 15% is released on the day of launch, then on a linear basis for 6 months.

  • Marketing & Partners: We will use this part for the promotion of the game during its first years, both in online marketing campaigns and attending the most important videogame fairs. Another part will be used to hire experts to help us improve the game. Blocked for 3 months and then progressively released for 38 months.

  • BNB Pool: 20% of the $Blood offer will be progressively exchanged for BNB to fill the pool reserves that will be activated as soon as they are produced. These exchanges will be done very carefully so as not to affect the game economy.

This pool is programmed to be activated when there is a drop in the price of the token due to an unusual situation.

Last updated